This is truely great. Click on the image to see how everyone in Nigeria wants to be Michael.
The diary of a fan of pop music and his quest to continue purchasing music on vinyl records.
Surely when the money mahcine gets into full swing we'll see all of this on DVD very soon. And to quite honest I'm looking forward to seeing it. What a great performer.
Here it is, just go straight to the end of teh clip to see Michael Jackson!
I was very sad to hear the news of Michael Jackson's death last week. This, for me, and for many is one of his finest performances. In fact, its probably one of the finest TV performances of any artist ever.
There's been so much crap written about this man over the years that I have no idea what is true and what is pure lies. Interestingly I've never heard anyone close to him speak of him in bad or negative terms, ever.
Was he weird or wacko? Anyone who lives a life like his must be different. How could you be normal living the life he lived? Being on stage and famous from the age of five. I wouldn't wish fame on anyone. How awful it must be to be followed around all your life with people watching everything you do and say, fliming you and constantly taking photos or everything you do. He could never do the normal things we do, like going to the shops for a pint of milk, or popping dopwn to a bar for a drink, or sunbathingon a beach. Of course he was different.
Anyway, we've lost a superstar. How disappointing and how sad, especially as we were looking foward to his comeback.
I remember seeing him in one of his last public performances just a few years back, maybe it was the MTV awards when he came out just at the end of a song from another group (maybe NSysnch?). All he did was make a few dance moves but his presence was huge, dramatic, exciting, superb!
RIP (but they won't let him will they?).
Sometimes when I watch Jool's Holland on Friday nights on BBC2 I discover a gem, and this week Jools delivered! Tihis is Raphael Saadiq and I loved it so much I searched for it this morning on the web and it should be winging its way on beuatiful vinyl direct from the USA as I'm typing this! Can't wait to hear the whole album!
I love his girl singer. She's so into it.
One more for today, a great classic video from a unique Irish singer. I saw him perform once in Cork jumping around from table to table. Crazy, Mad. Fantastic!
I loved this song, from another Limerick man, Barry Warner. I've only ever heard the two songs by him, Real Man and Dancing Without You. I still have the Real Man single but I have no idea what happened to the other.
Its been years since I've seen these videos! the onwdes of YouTube!
I remember buying the single in Stardiscs at Tots to Teens in Patrick Street. I also remember that they wouldn't let is kids in the shop until you agreed to buy something. Oh wonderful days of anti-marketing they were.
Here's another track from U2 at Self Aid, 1986
Remember Irelan'd answer to Live Aid, back in 1986 entitled Self Aid. If I remember right, the objective was to get people back into employment. This is a time when there were zero jobs in Ireland and the only prospect was to go abroad. I was still at secondary school at the time and found it interesting to learn about booms and busts in economics class. I couldn't help thinking that Ireland had only ever been in a bleak economic situation. There had never been a boom. How weird it must be to have full employment and not to have to go abroad.
How things changed in the 90's! It all took off about 1995 just when I headed off abroad!
I love this group. I mentioned them some time ago but have to put their videos up again!
Reminds me of someone I know!